Tuesday, February 24, 2015


My baby is one!  It's been a super fun year!  And it's definitely been a learning curve being a parent. 

Not a lot has changed has changed since I wrote my last post.  James is still his crazy old self.  He still loves to tear apart our pantry when he gets a chance, and sneak in the bathrooms and go wild with the toilet paper.  He is 25 1/2 pounds and 32 inches long (99% percentile for height) and has 2 new teeth--the top 2.   He's taking several steps but not fully walking...loves to clap and snuggle with his teddy bear.  He is still taking 2 naps a day, but I have a feeling we will cut it down to 1 soon!  Oh and he still loves to read books.  The teacher in me eats that up!  

We had a great turn out for his first birthday and I can kick myself for not taking one picture.  I wanted to document it, but I dropped the ball on that one..maybe next year!  

We LOVE you so so so much James.  We pray that you will use your energetic personality to serve the Lord.  Just know, that we pray for you on a daily basis.  
Love, Mommy & Daddy

Here are some of my faves from the past month:

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