Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Nursery Inspiration...

Before I started decorating James nursery, I knew I wanted to incorporate a nautical theme & use navy touches.  I tried to avoid light blue because I knew a lot of other things would be that color, like his clothing and blankets.  I just imagined myself getting tired of looking at light blue.  I also thought that if I used navy, I could use it even if we had a girl next, but just add some pink or girly touches to the room. 
            The above picture is from over a month ago and I have made a few changes since then! 
I added a changing pad and changing pad cover and that sailboat. (it's hiding behind the picture frame in this picture).  My sweet friend, Bethany gifted me the changing pad and sailboat (from Pottery Barn Kids) and I just bought the changing pad cover from target.  It's super soft and was only $12.99, which was cheaper than all the places I looked!  Below are the links to the changing pad cover, sailboat, and changing pad.||NoFacet-_-NoFacet-_-NoMerchRules
 My aunt Holly sent me this "Navy Harper My First Anywhere Chair" which was on my registry.  Here is the link for that:||NoFacet-_-NoFacet-_-NoMerchRules
I also added this nautical wheel.  I think it adds a fun touch!  It's from Hobby Lobby and it was originally $40, but was 40% off that day and I had a gift card there, so I only ended up paying around $8 for it.  You can also see I added that sign with the anchor on it to the left of the window, which my friend Maggie made.  She's very talented and I sent her a picture of a sign similar to that from TJ Maxx, and asked if she could make it. She did a great job!  

Below are some pictures of us working on the room.  Jordan's nephew, Ethan wanted to snuggle as Jordan was trying to install the beadboard.  It was so cute, he is quite the snuggler!
Here I am with my big belly...Jordan was worried about me inhaling the paint, so he made me wear a mask.  I am pretty sure I couldn't move the next day....bad idea trying to paint at 9 months pregnant.
BELOW is a picture of how the previous owners had decorated the room:      
I am a sucker for before and after pictures.  So below is a picture of what it looked like before we moved in and now!
A couple things I have learned about interior decorating:

1.  Decorating is not something that comes natural, but more attained.  It doesn't just happen over night, it takes research and time to develop your taste & to learn certain rules of thumb.  And for me, it even requires talking to people that are experienced and talented.  That person for me, is my sister.  I sent her the picture of the nursery and I specifically remember her saying, "I love that rug.  Rugs are great, they anchor the room."  That's a good rule of thumb & will remember that when I choose my next rug.

2.  This might sound bad or uncreative, but a lot of my ideas are modeled after something I saw and loved.  For instance, the paint color was one that Jordan's sister, Charis, painted their new house with.  It's called "On the Rocks" by Sherwin Williams.  It's exactly what I wanted when I saw it, neutral but airy and bright.  Again, I remember asking my sister about it, and she said this in regards to paint colors, "tans tend to be more welcoming, and grays tend to be more cold.  So, it has to be the right type of gray to work."  I'm telling you, my sister is very insightful and has great taste!  Also, the changing pad cover was one that my friend Maggie had, and I loved it because it was so soft and cozy.  I knew it wouldn't be rough on James skin as I changed his diaper.  I could go on and on of how I copied ideas (mainly from Pottery Barm :) in decorating James nursery, but I don't have enough time.

3. Make sure that your interior decorating reflects your style.  My dad recently remodeled his house and I remember making the comment to Jordan, "I love his house, but honestly it's not my style."  It's EXTREMELY modern, and I even thought at one point, "I wish he would have done more of a traditional/classic style."  But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that would be weird if my dad's house looked like mine.  My house definitely looks like it has been decorated by a woman and that would look odd in a 50 year old single male's house.  So I am so glad he went with a contemporary/modern style.  Sometimes I try to copy an idea just because I like it, and then realize it doesn't really go with my style, so I end up returning it!  And you will learn your style as you research and find what your eye is attracted to.  

Decorating is so fun, if only I had unlimited funds to do more :)        

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful nursery! This is exactly what I picture for a baby boy nursery one day! Thanks for sharing!
